Spring-clean your body and mind!

It's been a long old winter with many of us feeling a little under the weather and in need of some TLC. So why not treat yourself to a Reiki session? Clients I have treated have reported a number of benefits including feeling more relaxed, less stressed and more energised. Reiki can also help people who suffer from insomnia and anxiety.

Some people are a little nervous about exploring alternative therapies. Reiki (pronounced 'ray-kee') comes from the Japanese words, 'rei' (meaning 'universal') and 'ki' (meaning 'energy). It is an ancient Japanese relaxation technique which was developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. Reiki is a completely harmless, non-invasive, holistic treatment which is gentle but powerful. The Reiki practitioner uses a series of hand positions to channel energy to the body's energy centres (chakras) enabling the body to rebalance and revitalise itself. The client remains fully clothed throughout the treatment which can be carried out either hands-off or hands-on, depending on your preference. Reiki works on every level, not just the physical.

Mikao Usui believed that living by the Reiki principles would help a person to find the right path in life and to be compassionate, kind and generous.

Just for today, do not worry

Just for today, do not be angry

Just for today, be grateful

Just for today, be kind

Just for today, work hard

Easier said than done, but the key words here are 'just for today'. None of us can possibly manage to stick to these principles every day of our lives but as long as our intentions are good and we at least begin each day trying to live by these guidelines, they will serve us well in life.

PS - A big thank you to the talented Emily Jagger of Jagger Design, www.jaggerdesign.co.uk, for designing my logo and website. Emily offers creative services including website design and management, social media, print material and logo designs for independent small businesses and start-ups.



What exactly is Reiki?


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