What exactly is Reiki?

It’s Reiki Awareness Week and what better time to talk about what Reiki is? When I tell people I’m a Reiki practitioner, I often get puzzled looks and it’s actually not that easy to explain what it is and how it works.  

Reiki is a simple, non-intrusive method of energy healing which allows positive energy to flow through the practitioner’s hands, encouraging the body to balance and heal itself. The word ‘Reiki’ comes from the Japanese words ‘Rei’ meaning universal and ‘Ki’ meaning life force energy. 

Reiki is a holistic treatment which treats the whole person - body, mind and soul. It has many beneficial effects including deep relaxation, stress reduction and a feeling of peace, security and general well-being. 

The client remains fully clothed whilst the practitioner uses a series of hand positions either on or slightly above the body, according to the client’s personal preference. 

A warm, soothing energy flows into the body, promoting a sense of deep relaxation, releasing tension and helping to balance the body’s energy centres or ‘chakras’, Some people experience this energy as heat, others as coolness, some as tingling or vibration and others see different colours - white, gold, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red - reflecting the various colours of the chakras. Some people feel nothing at all during the treatment other than a feeling of relaxation and nurturing but this does not mean that the Reiki is not working. Experiences vary widely from person to person and from session to session but the important thing to remember is that Reiki can never do any harm - only good.

Reiki can be used alongside more conventional treatments and helps alleviate stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Reiki can also be used as a form of deep relaxation, a way to recharge your batteries and rebalance your energy centres (chakras) to enable you to cope better with the stresses of modern life. 

The Japanese founder of Reiki, Dr Mikao Usui, introduced the five Reiki principles - simple guidelines that we can all live by, to promote a happy, healthy, loving way of life:

Just for today, do not be angry

Just for today, do not worry

Just for today, be grateful

Just for today, work hard

Just for today, be kind to others

I particularly like the use of the words  ‘Just for today’ as it recognizes that we are all only human and cannot be expected to adhere to every principle every day but we can at least try to do so ‘just for today’. 

So, I hope that gives you an insight into what Reiki is. Why not treat yourself to a session? How often do you put yourself and your well-being first? The phrase, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”, is so true. 

Call me today on 07951 960898 to book a session (which includes a free half hour consultation) and give Reiki a go. You won’t be disappointed. Take a look at some of the testimonials on my website or visit my Facebook page @NewForestReiki and please like and share it with anyone you know who may be interested  

See you soon! 





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